The Truth about Luck

From :  Neil Schwartz

“You cannot see what you don’t look for and you cannot look for what you don’t believe in”  Neil Schwartz

When Sir Richard Branson was asked what he felt about luck he said:   “Lucky things happen to all of us all the time.  But that isn’t true unless you start to see situations, conversations and circumstances as interesting possibilities instead of stinkin thinkin.”  When asked if he considered himself lucky or unlucky, he said he didn’t feel he was any more lucky or unlucky than anyone else.  When an opportunity came my way, I took advantage of it.” 

Luck is an accumulation of the good choices we have made over time.  Life is a serious of choices.  If you make enough of the right choices you will end up winning.

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity”  Seneca

Preparation is personal growth plus attitude.  Luck is preparation, attitude, opportunity and action.

We all have opportunity that comes our way.

How prepared will you be when opportunity comes your way?